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Open Budget

School Funding Transparency

From the 2018-19 school year through the 2022-23 school year, Education Law §3614 – which was passed by the Legislature and became law as Chapter 59 of the Laws of 2018 – required school districts to “annually submit to the commissioner [of the State Education Department] and the director of the budget … a detailed statement of the total funding allocation for each school in the district for the upcoming school budget year” in a “form developed by the director of the budget, in consultation with the commissioner [of the State Education Department].” Education Law §3614 was repealed effective June 30, 2023, which eliminated this reporting requirement.

2020 to 2022 Approved Submission Data

For 2020 through 2022, all 673 school districts receiving Foundation Aid were required to annually complete and submit the New York State School Funding Transparency FormLink to External Website to the Division of the Budget and State Education Department.

2019 Approved Submission Data

For 2019, all districts with four or more schools as reported in SED’s 2016-17 School Report Card database were required to complete and submit the New York State School Funding Transparency Form to the Division of the Budget and State Education Department. A list of all 306 districts (PDF) that met these criteria is available.

2018 Approved Submission Data

For 2018, districts (a) with four or more schools as reported in SED’s 2016-17 School Report Card database which receive more than 50 percent of their total revenue from State Aid as reported in SED’s 2015-16 Fiscal Profiles Masterfile or (b) located in a city with a population of more than one million were required to complete and submit the New York State School Funding Transparency Form to the Division of the Budget and State Education Department. A list of all 76 school districts (PDF) that met these criteria is available.

School Aid Form

Use the School Aid Lookup Form to find Enacted Budget School Aid data from 1996-97 through 2022-23 (FY 2023).