
These visuals are based on data from the FY 2025 Enacted Budget, which summarizes the State of New York’s actuals for FY 2024 and Financial Plan projections for FY 2025 through FY 2028. The current Financial Plan data is available for download in machine-readable Microsoft excel format.

State Operating Funds

Pie chart representation of State Operating Funds Revenue and Spending by Financial Plan Category/Functional area.

Graphical representation of the shares of the FY 2025 Enacted Budget State Operating Funds1 Budget, reflecting receipts by major financial plan category and disbursements by major function/operational area.

State Operating Funds FY 2025 Enacted Budget – $132.0 Billion

Where it comes from:

  • Taxes: 82%
  • Miscellaneous Receipts/Other: 18%

Where it goes:

  • School Aid (School Year Basis): 27%
  • Medicaid (All Agencies Local): 25%
  • Other Local Assistance and Grants: 22%
  • Executive: 15%
  • University: 6%
  • Debt/Capital: 2%
  • Elected Officials: 3%

State Operating Funds Spending by Function

State Operating Funds Spending by Function Pie Chart

Graphical representation of the shares of the FY 2025 Enacted Budget State Operating Funds1 Budget, by major functional category with a link to additional supporting detail by agency. Disbursements include grants to local governments, state operations and general state charges.

  • Education/Arts: 30%
  • Health: 26%
  • Higher Education: 9%
  • Mental Hygiene: 7%
  • Transportation: 4%
  • Social Welfare: 6%
  • Public Protection/Criminal Justice: 4%
  • Elected Officials: 3%
  • All Other Categories: 11%

State Operating Funds Spending by Function Category

Multi-Year Functional Spending

Graphical representation of the shares of the FY 2025 Enacted Budget State Operating Funds1 Budget, by major functional category with a link to additional supporting detail by agency. This graph summarizes the State of New York’s actuals for FY 2024 and Financial Plan projections for FY 2025 through FY 2028. Disbursements include grants to local governments, state operations and general state charges.

State Operating Funds Spending by Financial Plan Category

State Operating Funds Spending by Financial Plan Category

Graphical representation of the shares of the FY 2025 Enacted Budget State Operating Funds1 Budget, by financial plan category with a link to additional supporting detail. This graph summarizes the State of New York’s actuals for FY 2024 and Financial Plan projections for FY 2025 through FY 2028.


  1. State Operating Funds: The State Funds operating budget comprises the General Fund and other State-supported activities financed by dedicated revenues in State Special Revenue funds, as well as Debt Service funds accounting for the payment of debt service on all tax-financed State long-term debt. All capital spending, regardless of financing source, is included in the Capital budget.